Larkin A. Womack

Jan. 27, 1822 - 1886

The following letter was written by Larkin,  to his older brother William in Illinois.

Lynchburgh,  Virginia February 28, 1843

Dear Brother,

I take this opportunity to inform you that we are in common health at present,  what few thare is of us togather.   And I hope these few lines may finde you all injoying good health.

Dear Brother,  we received your letter directed to Leroy sometime since and I was very glad to heare from you and to find that you were on this side of eternity for I had not heard from you for so long.   I did not know whither you were dead or alive.   But it would have comforted me mutch more if I could have heard that you were on your way to heaven,  as I know not whither we shall ever meet again in this world,  but I hope that we shall in a betterone.    And now I wish you to make a start for heaven and try to meeta brother who loves your soul.

I feel it my duty to warn you of your doom for without holyness noman can see the face of God in peace.    My friend,  do you know whare youare going?   Have you reflected what you are engaged in?   Is it an object you will be able to think upon tomorrow with pleasure?    Wold you pursue it if you were sure you would die tonight?    Have you asked God,   or can you ask God to bless it?    If you have not done this,  if you cannot do this,  then reflect.    For all these things God will bring you into judgement.  Ecclesiastes  11:9.

Stop and consider before it is too late.    Thare is yet time but you know not how short it may bee.    O flee to the Savior for the pardon of your sins - pray that devine grace may be given you.    Entreat the Holy Spirit to convince you of the evil of sin and its dredful consequences and to influence your heart and mind to those things which alone can bring you peace at the last.    Read the Bible.    All these things are taught therein.

Resides, the heavenly world with all its glory and felicity would be a place of torment to an unholy mind.    Shold the sinner with his unholy heart and character be admited into the regions of the blessed what would he find suited to his desires and reigning temper of heart?   He would find the character of everything totally opposed to his own.    He would find himself perfectly alone - no one to associate with him among all the millions of heavenly host.

As I expect ere long to be standing on the walls of Zion to proclame the glad tidings of Christ to a lost and ruined world and now I proclame to you and beseack you by heaven to repent and believe the gospel before it shall be everlastingly too late.    I know not that I shall ever see you again in this world,  but I hope ere long we shall shack hands on the banks of eternal deliverence....whatever you find amiss forgive.

Nothing more at present,   but I remain your brother untill death

Larkin A. Womack

Sent to:

Mr. William Womack

Jo Davis County

Galena, Illinois


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